The prevalence of the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in the Canary Island

Objective: To obtain data of prevalence of risk of the disorder attention deficit (ADHD) in the child and adolescent population of the Canary Islands.

Subjects and method: The sample used is 4858 participants of whom 2553 are girls (52.55%) and 2305 boys (47.45%) with a range of age between 6 and 16 years. Also of the total sample 2500 participants belong to primary while 2358 come from. These samples detected those participants exceeding the cut-off points in the EDAH scale versions validated for the Canary Islands.

Results and conclusions: Analysis of the data gives us a global risk of 11.52% prevalence, which is why one of every seven school children could manifest this disorder. We explore the possible differences by sex and age, both in primary and secondary.

This project was held at the Faculty of Psychology (University of La Laguna, Spain).

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© 2025 David Lopez Rodriguez