Carstens KE,Gronskaya E,Jaeckel D, Lopez-Rodriguez D, Shafer TJ,Zurich M,Pamies D. Application of a high-density microelectrode array assay using a 3D human iPSC-derived brain microphysiological system model for in vitro neurotoxicity screening of environmental compounds. Under Review in Archives of Toxicology
Wang S, Lopez-Rodriguez D, Frangiamone M, Ma F, Pamies D. Proteomic profiling of the BrainSpheres derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells. Under review in Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology.
Guerrero-Limon G, Duroux D, Kamstra J, Legler J, Chevre N, Lopez-Rodriguez D. An Integrative Framework for the Identification and Prioritization of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Manuscripts in Preparation.
Pamies D, Frangiamone M, Lamberto F, Lopez-Rodriguez D, Stacey, G. Readiness of iPSC-Based Assays for Standardized Applications. Report for the OECD. In Preparation.
Luz-Lachat, E, Berthet A, Busiah K, Lopez-Rodriguez D. Association between Bisphenol A and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). A systematic review and meta-analysis. Manuscripts in Preparation.
Lopez-Rodriguez D, Pamies D, Meister I, Jornod N, Repond C, Boccard J, Fleurimont J, Rudaz S, Zurich MG. The use of Multiomic approaches to evaluate the Neurotoxicity of Polyetylene Glycol Ethers. Manuscripts in Preparation.
Wang S, Lopez-Rodriguez D, Kalph J, Morales Pantoja I, Nunez C, Fritsche E, Smirnova L, Pamies D. Reproducibility assessment of the hiPSC-derived Brain Spheroid model. Manuscripts in Preparation.
Pamies D, Lopez-Rodriguez D, Bertoli J, Meister I, Jornod N, Repond C, Boccard J, Fleurimont J, Nunes C, Rudaz S, Zurich MG. Evaluation of the Neurotoxicity of Glycol Ether Solvents in Humans Using New Approach Methodologies (NAMs). Manuscripts in Preparation.
Lopez-Rodriguez D & Guerrero-Limon, G. Harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to generate innovative New Alternative Methodologies (NAMs) to improve chemical regulatory risk assessment. Manuscripts in Preparation.
Brunner M*, Lopez-Rodriguez D*, Estrada-Meza J, Dali J, Rohrbach A, Deglise T, Messina A, Thorens B, Santoni F, Langlet F. Fasting induces a metabolic switch and a spatial redistribution of tanycyte functions on lipid processing and neuronal interactions. Nature Communications. Volume 15, article number 6604, (2024)
Fudvoye J*, Lopez-Rodriguez D*, Parent AS. Early placental biomarkers of a developmental exposure to a very low dose of BPS. Reproductive Toxicology. Volume 132, March 2025, 108854
→ *Co-first authorship
→ *Co-first authorship
→ *Co-first authorship
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