- Experienced Researcher & Communicator
- Project Management
- Collaborative Spirit
- Computational biology
Bioinformatician Freelancer
01/2023-Today as Independent ConsultantHands-on training in biological and omics data analysis, along with providing computational solutions for researchers in academia and healthcare
Bioinformatician / Senior Researcher
02/2025-Today at the Department Environmental Toxicology, Eawag / ETHZ, Prof. Colette Von Berg’s team (20%)Leveraging multi-omic datasets to identify early biomarkers of pharmaceutical and food-contact chemical exposure in zebrafish
Bioinformatician / Postdoctoral Fellow
10/2021-Today at University of Lausanne, Prof.Fanny Langlet’s Team (80%)Development of HPC workflows for analyzing large scRNAseq datasets with over 200K cells, resulting in the creation of novel methods for functional cell-cell communication and user-friendly tools for non-IT experts
Data Scientist / Scientific Collaborator
09/2023-Today at University of Lausanne, Prof. Nathalie Chèvre’s TeamLeading the development of an innovative predictive machine learning approach to identify chemicals displaying endocrine-disrupting activity
Bioinformatician / Postdoctoral Fellow
01-12/2024 at University of Lausanne & SCAHT, Dr. MG Zurich’s Team (50%)Multiomic analysis (transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics) to identify chemical exposures biomarkers using an in vitro brain 3D hIPSC model
Project Coordinator & Freelancer
01-12/2024 at Environmental Science & Research Consulting GmBHProject Coordinator of the epidemiological study PESSAP and contribution to data management & analysis
EFSA - Scientific and Technical Support Panel
From 2023 to 2027European Food & Safety Authority (EFSA). 5-year mandate as scientific and technical support
Bioinformatician / Postdoctoral Fellow
10/2020-10/2021 at University of Liège (Belgium)Analysis of complex transcriptomic data designs to decipher the impact of pesticides and pharmaceuticals on the neuroendocrine control of reproduction
Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) in Toxicology
2023-2025 at University of Geneva (UNIGE), SwitzerlandModules: Organ Toxicology, Regulatory Toxicology, Clinic Toxicology & Ecotoxicology
Postgraduate Education in Toxicology (PET)
2024-Today at Utrecht University, The NetherlandsCourses: General Toxicology, Food Toxicology, Carcinogenesis/Mutagenesis
PhD in Biomedical Sciences
2016 to 2020 at University of Liege (ULIEGE), Belgium
M.Sc. in Experimental Neuroscience
2013 to 2015 at University of Liege (ULIEGE), Belgium
Data Science / Bioinformatics:
- Multiomics Data Analysis and Integration. Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) (0.5ECTS)
- Machine learning. Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) (0.5ECTS)
- UNIX Shell Scripting for Life Scientists. Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) (0.5ECTS)
- Intermediate Python. Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) (0.5ECTS)
- Workshop on Epigenomics Data Analysis. CUSO (3 days)
- First Steps in Parallelization with OpenMP. Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB)
- Research - A Gentle Introduction to Deep Learning with Python and R. University of Lausanne (Switzerland) (1 day)
- HPC cluster. University of Lausanne (Switzerland) (1 day)
- Statistics 1. Resal, University of Lausanne (Switzerland) (1 day)
- Statistics 2. Resal, University of Lausanne (Switzerland) (1 day) Environmental Science / Ecology:
- Environmental History. University of Gothenburg, Sweden (15 ECTS)
- Environmental Legislation. UNED, Spain (6 ECTS)
- Economics & Environmental Strategy. UNED, Spain (6 ECTS)
- Ecology: Environment and Society. UNED, Spain (6 ECTS)
- Human Ecology. UNED, Spain (6 ECTS) Entrepreneurship / Project management:
- UCREATE2. Workshop on sustainable entrepreneurship (7 weeks)
Research Grant
2023 - Wallonie-Bruxelles Federation (FWB, Belgium) ~ 60 000 €
Ph.D. Thesis Award
2021 - Society of Neuroendocrinology (SNE, France) 700 €
Postdoctoral Research Grant
2021 - Léon Fredericq Foundation (FLF, Belgium) 10 000 €
Short-term Postdoctoral Grant
2021 - Wallonie-Bruxelles Federation (FWB, Belgium) 7 000 €
Research stay Grant
2020 - University of Liège for a 3-month research stay in the laboratory of Alejandro Lomniczi (OHSU, Portland, OR, USA) 10 000 €
Operating grant
2019 - Leon Fredericq Foundation 10 000 €
Outstanding Abstract Award
2019 - Endocrine Society, during the ENDO2019 meeting in New Orleans (LA, USA) 700 $
Early Career Forum and Travel Award
2019 - Endocrine Society, during the ENDO2019 meeting in New Orleans (LA, USA)
Research stay Grant
2018 - Léon Fredericq Foundation (FLF, Belgium) for a 3-month research stay in the laboratory of Alejandro Lomniczi (OHSU, Portland, OR, USA) 10 000 €
Research stay Grant
2018 - Rotary Club (District 1630) for a research stay in the laboratory of Alejandro Lomniczi (OHSU, Portland, OR, USA) 3 000 €
François Mignolet Award
2018 - Leon Fredericq Foundation 10 000 €
Operating grant
2017 - Leon Fredericq Foundation 10 000 €
Non-FRIA Ph.D. program scholarship
2016-2020 - University of Liège (Belgium)
Master’s program scholarship
2013-2015 - University of Liège (Belgium)
ERASMUS program scholarship
2012-2013 - Catholic University of Louvain (UCL, Belgium)
Bachelor’s scholarships
2008-2013 - Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (Spain)
Lecture on 'Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs)'
2024 - Participation in the course 'Impact of pollution on Human Health' - University of Lausanne, SwitzerlandCourse for students at the Medicine and Nursing school. Invited by Dr. Busiah Kanetee & Dr. Aurélie Berthet
Lecture on 'Human Toxicology'
2023 - Participation in the course 'Environmental Toxicology' - University of Lausanne, SwitzerlandCourse for master students at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences. Invited by Dr. Nathalie Chèvre
Lecture on 'Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs)'
2023 - Participation in the course 'Impact of pollution on Human Health' - University of Lausanne, SwitzerlandCourse for students at the Medicine and Nursing school. Invited by Dr. Busiah Kanetee & Dr. Aurélie Berthet
Lecture on 'Human Toxicology'
2022 - Participation in the course 'Environmental Toxicology' - University of Lausanne, SwitzerlandCourse for master students at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences. Invited by Dr. Nathalie Chèvre
Lecture on 'Female puberty: the role of epigenetics and environmental factors'
2020 - Participation in the course 'Neuroendocrinology' - National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), MexicoCourse for master students at the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences. Invited by Dr. Rebeca Corona
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)
2025 - Oral communication - Viena, Austria
Round Table - Endocrine Disruptors: a critical health and environmental challenge requiring urgent interdisciplinary action
2025 - PIRSE - Lausanne, Switzerland
Swiss Society of Endocrinology, Diabetology & Pediatrics
2025 - Oral communication - Lausanne, Switzerland
Swiss Society of Toxicology (SST)
2024 - Poster Presentation - Basel, Switzerland
SCAHT retreat
2024 - Oral communication - Sursee, Switzerland
GRS on Environmental Endocrine Disruptors
2024 - Oral communication - Toscany, Italy
Society for Neuroendocrinology meeting (SNE)
2024 - Poster presentation - Nice, France
Society for Neuroendocrinology meeting (SNE)
2021 - Oral communication - Online
Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology meeting (SBN)
2019 - Poster presentation - Bloomington, Indiana, USA
European Congress for Endocrinology (ECE)
2019 - Oral communication - Lyon, France
Endocrine Society meeting
2019 - Oral communication - New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Pan American Neuroendocrine Society (PANS)
2019 - Oral communication - New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
International Congress for Neuroendocrinology (ICN)
2018 - Oral communication - Toronto, Canada
European Doctoral College on Environment and Health meeting (EDCEH)
2018 - Oral communication - Rennes, France
International Days of Toxicology (JIT)
2017 - Oral communication - Liège, Belgium
Copenhagen Workshop on Endocrine Disruptors (COW)
2017 - Oral communication - Copenhaguen, Denmark
EURON Ph.D. days
2016 - Poster presentation - Lille, France
Society for Neuroendocrinology meeting (SNE)
2016 - Oral communication - Corte, Corsica, France
- 2025-Today: Member of "Pôle interdiscip. de recherche et d’info. en sante environnement" (PIRSE)
- 2023-Today: Member of the Swiss Society of Toxicology
- 2023-Today: Member of the Society for Endocrinology (UK)
- 2016-Today: Member of the Society for Neuroendocrinology (France)
- 2018-2021: Member of the Endocrine Society (USA)
- 2018-2020: Member of the European Society for Endocrinology (EU)
- 2018-2020: Member of the Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology (USA)
- Reviewer for PNAS
- Reviewer for Nature Scientific Reports
- Reviewer for CellPress Molecular Therapy
- Reviewer for Neuroendocrinology
- Reviewer for Frontiers in Psychiatry
- Reviewer for Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience
- Dr. Alejandro Lomniczi (2020). Transgenerational effects of a mixture of Endocrine Disruptors on the hypothalamic transcriptome. Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), Portland, USA.
- Dr. Alejandro Lomniczi (2018). Transgenerational effects of a mixture of Endocrine Disruptors on the hypothalamic transcriptome. Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), Portland, USA.
- Prof. Jean-Pierre Bourguignon & Prof. Anne-Simone Parent (2016). Role of GPR151 in the control of GnRH secretion. University of Liège, Belgium.
- Prof. Thierry Charlier (2015). The Role of androgens on the central control of sexual behavior of the japanese quail. University of Ohio, USA.