Multidisciplinary scientist & consultant with a background in toxicology, biology, environmental and computational sciences. My main objective is to develop computational and bioinformatic tools that can expand scientific knowledge and make a valuable contribution to public health and society. My goal is to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the biological mechanisms and risks associated with exposures to environmental signals (i.e. nutritional cues, chemicals).
  • Multi-omics Data Integration
    1. Transcriptomics (scRNAseq)
    2. Proteomics
    3. Metabolomics
    4. Lipidomics

  • Bioinformatics & computational biology
    1. R
    2. Python
    3. High-performance Computing (HPC)
    4. Machine Learning
    5. Shiny
    6. Version Control (Git)
    7. UNIX/Shell

  • Biostatistics / Advanced Statistics

  • Scientific writing & Communication
  • Data Analysis & Interpretation
  • Molecular biology & Epigenetics

  • Toxicology

  • Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs)

  • Chemo-informatics
    1. In Silico Methods & QSAR

  • Software Development & Web Design
    1. Github, roxigen2,...
    2. Shiny, SQL
    3. WordPress
    4. Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator
    5. Scientific Illustration

  • Project management & Coordination

  • Epidemiology

  • Wet Lab & Physiology
    1. IHC, WB, ELISA,...
    2. qPCR, CUT&RUN, FACS,...
    3. Quantitative fluorescent microscopy

Employment History

Bioinformatics & Environmental Sciences Consultant

Project Coordinator - Pesticide Monitoring Project

From 2024 - Today at Environmental Science & Research Consulting GmBH (as Independent Consultant)

Project Coordinator of the 'Pesticide Exposure Assessment of the Swiss Non-Occupational Sensitive Population' study (

Data Scientist / Bioinformatician - Nathalie Chèvre's Team

From 2024 - Today at University of Lausanne, Switzerland

In silico tools / Chemoinformatics - Nathalie Chèvre's team. Postdoctoral position to develop an in silico machine learning tool to identify chemicals having Endocrine-Disrupting activity. Methods: R, Python, in silico models, NAMs, machine learning

Bioinformatician / Toxicologist - Marie-Gabrielle Zurich's Team (50%)

From 2024 - Today at University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Role as biostatistician/bioinformatician - Marie-Gabrielle Zurich's team. Postdoctoral position to perform multiomics data analysis & to develop statistical tools for in vitro toxicological studies. Methods: lipidomics, metabolomics, transcriptomics, scRNAseq, R, Python, organoids, adverse-outcome pathways (AOPs)

Data Scientist / Bioinformatician - Fanny Langlet's Team (50%)

From 2021 - Today at University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Role as bioinformatician / biologist - Fanny Langlet's team. Postdoctoral position to develop novel methods to decipher the role of cell-cell communication involved in the neuroendocrine control of energy balance. Technologies: scRNAseq, transcriptomics, tracing, cell-cell communication, R, Python, HPC, machine learning

EFSA - Scientific and Technical Support Panel

From 2023 to 2027

European Food & Safety Authority (EFSA). 5-year mandate as scientific and technical support

Postdoctoral fellow - H2020 FREIA Project

From 2020 to 2021 at University of Liege, Belgium

Role as toxicologist / biologist / bioinformatician. Data analysis of transcriptomics and biological data to decipher neuroendocrine biomarkers of Endocrine Disrupting Chemical developmental exposures Technologies: RNAseq, transcriptomics, data analysis, R, Python


MAS in Toxicology. Regulatory Toxicology, Clinic Toxicology, Ecotoxicology, Organ Toxicology Modules (20 ECTS)

2023-Today at University of Geneva (UNIGE), Switzerland

Postgraduate Education in Toxicology (PET). General Toxicology, Food Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Modules (6 ECTS)

2024-Today at University of Wageningen, Utrecht & Maastricht, The Netherlands

PhD in Biomedical Sciences

2016 to 2020 at University of Liege (ULIEGE), Belgium

M.Sc. in Experimental Neuroscience

2013 to 2015 at University of Liege (ULIEGE), Belgium

Teaching experience

Lecture on 'Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs)'

2024 - Participation in the course 'Impact of pollution on Human Health' - University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Course for students at the Medicine and Nursing school. Invited by Dr. Busiah Kanetee & Dr. Aurélie Berthet

Lecture on 'Human Toxicology'

2023 - Participation in the course 'Environmental Toxicology' - University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Course for master students at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences. Invited by Dr. Nathalie Chèvre

Lecture on 'Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs)'

2023 - Participation in the course 'Impact of pollution on Human Health' - University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Course for students at the Medicine and Nursing school. Invited by Dr. Busiah Kanetee & Dr. Aurélie Berthet

Lecture on 'Human Toxicology'

2022 - Participation in the course 'Environmental Toxicology' - University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Course for master students at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences. Invited by Dr. Nathalie Chèvre

Lecture on 'Female puberty: the role of epigenetics and environmental factors'

2020 - Participation in the course 'Neuroendocrinology' - National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico

Course for master students at the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences. Invited by Dr. Rebeca Corona

Awards, Grants and Fellowships

Postdoctoral Fellowship

2023 - Wallonie-Bruxelles Federation (FWB, Belgium)

Ph.D. Thesis Award

2021 - Society of Neuroendocrinology (SNE, France)

Postdoctoral Travel Grant

2021 - Léon Fredericq Foundation (FLF, Belgium) for carrying out postdoctoral research at the laboratory of Fanny Langlet (UNIL, Lausanne, Switzerland)

Short-term Postdoctoral Grant

2021 - Wallonie-Bruxelles Federation (FWB, Belgium) for carrying out postdoctoral research at the laboratory of Fanny Langlet (UNIL, Lausanne, Switzerland)

Research stay Grant

2020 - University of Liège for a 3-month research stay in the laboratory of Alejandro Lomniczi (OHSU, Portland, OR, USA)

Operating grant

2019 - Leon Fredericq Foundation

Outstanding Abstract Award

2019 - Endocrine Society, during the ENDO2019 meeting in New Orleans (LA, USA)

Early Career Forum and Travel Award

2019 - Endocrine Society, during the ENDO2019 meeting in New Orleans (LA, USA)

Research stay Grant

2018 - Léon Fredericq Foundation (FLF, Belgium) for a 3-month research stay in the laboratory of Alejandro Lomniczi (OHSU, Portland, OR, USA)

Research stay Grant

2018 - Rotary Club (District 1630) for a 3-month research stay in the laboratory of Alejandro Lomniczi (OHSU, Portland, OR, USA)

François Mignolet Award

2018 - Leon Fredericq Foundation

Operating grant

2017 - Leon Fredericq Foundation

Non-FRIA Ph.D. program scholarship

2016-2020 - University of Liège (Belgium)

Master’s program scholarship

2013-2015 - University of Liège (Belgium)

ERASMUS program scholarship

2012-2013 - Catholic University of Louvain (UCL, Belgium)

Bachelor’s scholarships

2008-2013 - Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (Spain)

Continuous Education
Participation in Conferences

SCAHT retreat

2024 - Oral communication - Sursee, Switzerland

GRS on Environmental Endocrine Disruptors

2024 - Oral communication - Toscany, Italy

Society for Neuroendocrinology meeting (SNE)

2024 - Poster presentation - Nice, France

Society for Neuroendocrinology meeting (SNE)

2021 - Oral communication - Online

Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology meeting (SBN)

2019 - Poster presentation - Bloomington, Indiana, USA

European Congress for Endocrinology (ECE)

2019 - Oral communication - Lyon, France

Endocrine Society meeting

2019 - Oral communication - New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Pan American Neuroendocrine Society (PANS)

2019 - Oral communication - New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

International Congress for Neuroendocrinology (ICN)

2018 - Oral communication - Toronto, Canada

European Doctoral College on Environment and Health meeting (EDCEH)

2018 - Oral communication - Rennes, France

International Days of Toxicology (JIT)

2017 - Oral communication - Liège, Belgium

Copenhagen Workshop on Endocrine Disruptors (COW)

2017 - Oral communication - Copenhaguen, Denmark

EURON Ph.D. days

2016 - Poster presentation - Lille, France

Society for Neuroendocrinology meeting (SNE)

2016 - Oral communication - Corte, Corsica, France

Master's Student Supervision
Active Membership
Language Skills
© 2024 David Lopez Rodriguez