Manuscripts in Preparation / Under Review (as of 03/24)

  • Brunner M*, Lopez-Rodriguez D*, Estrada-Meza J, Dali J, Rohrbach A, Deglise T, Messina A, Thorens B, Santoni F, Langlet F. Fasting induces a metabolic switch and a spatial redistribution of tanycyte functions on lipid processing and neuronal interactions. Under Review in Nature Communications.

  • → *Co-first authorship

  • Pamies D, Lopez-Rodriguez D, Bertoli J, Meister I, Jornod N, Repond C, Boccard J, Fleurimont J, Nunes C, Rudaz S, Zurich MG. Evaluation of the Neurotoxicity of Glycol Ether Solvents in Humans Using New Approach Methodologies (NAMs). Manuscripts in Preparation.

  • Lopez-Rodriguez D & Guerrero-Limon, G. Harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to generate innovative New Alternative Methodologies (NAMs) to improve chemical regulatory risk assessment. Manuscripts in Preparation.

  • Fudvoye J, Lopez-Rodriguez D Parent AS. Early placental biomarkers of a developmental exposure to a very low dose of BPS. Manuscripts in Preparation.

Peer-reviewed Scientific Articles

Preprints & Non-peer Reviewed Articles

PhD Thesis

Lopez-Rodriguez D. Direct, multi- and transgenerational effects of endocrine disruptors on maternal behavior and female sexual maturation. GIGA-Neurosciences. University of Liège. Advisor: Prof. Anne-Simone Parent.

Press Releases

Articles in the General Press

Master's Student Supervision

© 2024 David Lopez Rodriguez